Wednesday, 17 October 2012

THE END OF THE ROAD! (Literally)

No - no disasters - and I haven't quite finished yet!
Today I reached the top of the hill out of Mousehole and, from here on, it's the Cornish Coastal Footpath all the way to Land's End.  No more traffic, no more tarmac, just peace and quiet, seagulls, cliffs and (probably) wind!
Wind was a bit of a problem today too.  It was fine and sunny but the walk along the seafront from Penzance, through Newlyn to Mousehole was extremely hard work - a mere 5 miles seemed almost double that.
Now we've moved to a campsite right on top of the cliffs - so the minibus is rocking again! Should be a comfortable night.
We're going to split this last stretch along the coast into three stages, so that we actually finish on Saturday.  The forecast doesn't look too bad so it should be great fun and not too strenuous!