Monday 6 August 2012


Another lovely walk today - from Knighton, up past the golf course (stiff climb) then along the dyke, over Hawthorn Hill (got rained on) and then gently down to Dolley Green.
Then I made a slight detour to the little hamlet of Discoed, to meet Annie & John Nethercott. John works in wood, restoring furniture - Annie plays cello, sings and manages the renowned Presteigne Festival.
It turned out we had been on a course together - in 1969, in Salzburg! Annie sang in the choir under the great John Gardner, I was 1st horn in the orchestra (playing Shostakovitch 5th Symphony), Simon Rattle was there playing piano and percussion - and too many others to remember!
Anyway, Annie very kindly drove me back to Knighton to collect the minibus - and now I'm back at the camp site, waiting for the Baron of Beef  (in Bucknell) to open.  Great pub - highly recommended!
In many ways, showery weather is the best for walking - ever changing light on the hills, and not too hot!  Roll on tomorrow and the walk over to Kington.
Meanwhile, the bar is now open!