Wednesday 23 November 2011


Yes, finally the weather has got the better of us!  Having had four days of glorious walking, the prospects of struggling down the relatively busy road from Amulree to Buchanty in pouring rain and into a strong, gusty wind (particularly whilst suffering the after effects of a pretty hard walk yesterday) were just that little bit too much to contemplate, so we set off home to catch up with some work instead!
The total so far: 228.5 miles and 3895 metres of climbing - not bad for the first 2 months.  One more week (probably only 6 days) and we'll reach the Forth Bridge - so the target of Edinburgh by Christmas is looking well achievable.  All we need is a few days of decent weather.
Still looking for more musicians to meet up with or to join me for bits of the walk - so come on you Edinburgh musicians, do get in touch as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, do have a look at the clever little video that Andras has made about the start of the walk and the reasons for and background to it. (Andante - on Screen, above right.)