Thursday 9 August 2012


In fact, rather too much of it! Walked the pretty but not-too-strenuous stretch from Newchurch to Hay-on-Wye today, and it was a bit too hot for comfort.
Last time I did this bit of Offa's Dyke, 20+ years ago, the hottest temperature ever in the UK was recorded in this area!  Let's hope that doesn't happen this Saturday, when I do the big stretch over Hay Beacon & Hatterall Ridge!
Hay was looking beautiful today - and the river looked very inviting!  We resisted that and settled for Ice Cream instead. Tonight we're going to "The Globe at Hay" for what they call "Philosophy Cafe" - when all are invited to "Expand your horizons and challenge your mind, discussing the big issues and taxing questions in good company over a cuppa."  Obviously, I'll try to get them talking about Music & Education - should be fun - but I think a pint is more in order than a cuppa!