Sunday 12 February 2012


What a nice place to start the next stretch of "Andante"!  Harlaw Reservoir (just south of Currie) - just stroll across these nice fields and then 5 or 6 miles over the pretty Pentland Hills to Penicuik.
Jane and I plan to do this on Tuesday afternoon - and then I'll work my way south past Peebles, finishing near the lovely old house at Traquair on Saturday.  They have their own brewery there!  Haven't tried any for ages but I remember it being pretty good!
The Pentland Hills, from Harlaw Reservoir
Anyway, do join me if you are anywhere near - phone me on 07974 698265 - or, if you can't, I'll keep you posted about the next stretch (over the hills to Eskdalemuir and then down to Carlisle).  I'm still confident of reaching the Lake District by Easter.