Friday 28 September 2012


Yes, those are actually places I walked through today - starting at Whiteball Hill and finishing at Blundell's School, just outside Tiverton. Crossed the border between Somerset & Devon and enjoyed a gentle 9-mile trundle along country lanes - a nice, peaceful change from the A38!
Went to Exeter last night to hear the "Exeter Music Group" - a large, enthusiastic and friendly amateur orchestra. They're a bit ambitious but that's no bad thing, under the expert direction of Marion Wood.  Met El Stratton (sister of Sarah, VaCO legend) and also Gillian Taylor (old friend from Stockport Youth Orchestra) along with Fenny Gill and various other players. Went for a quick drink afterwards but the journey back was a nightmare!  Roadworks on the M4 resulted in me being diverted round most of Somerset - and I didn't get back to the campsite until about midnight!
Looking forward to strolling through Tiverton and a bit beyond tomorrow - hopefully to be met at the end by Jane!