Just got back from the latest stretch of "Andante" - Cardrona to Eskdalemuir - another 33 miles or so and about 1000 metres of climbing. Apologies for no daily blogs but most of the time there was no mobile reception, no dongle reception - in fact little means of communication with the rest of the world! (What did we do in the past, without modern technology?)
Anyway, the walking (mostly along the Southern Uplands Way) was brilliant, apart from one awful section of about 2 miles, clearly marked on the OS map but no sign of a path, just one continuous bog! All the details are on the "Andante Update" page.
Many thanks to Leona and Pauline from the Cardrona Village Store, Martin (Samaritan) from near Tushielaw and Nick Jennings from the Upper Eskdalemuir Development Group for help with transport - and to Alistair & Selina at the Tibbieshiels Inn, Gareth & Wendy at the Tushielaw Inn and the Honey Cottage Caravan Park for their hospitality - and to Irene & Sheila (S-U-W walkers) for a generous donation along the way!
Hope to be back up there in a few days to do the next section, down to Gretna, Carlisle and maybe beyond. Details will be posted as soon as we know the dates.